Home > Artworks > Luis Domingo Rincón Benitez

Photo of Luis Domingo Rincón Benitez Colombia

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Plastic artist, cartoonist and illustrator. Context of the work FUGITIVE FROM FEAR These works do not exist in reality, were performed in a computer program. For this reason no physical media, web and leos together with the smell of turpentine insistently announces the emergence of a work and shows us the certainty of reality, were absent in the creation of each of these paintings and it is like trying to express the...

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Net Art/Digital Art
Net Art/Digital Art
Net Art/Digital Art
Net Art/Digital Art
Net Art/Digital Art
Net Art/Digital Art
35.43 x 27.56 in
Net Art/Digital Art
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Plastic artist, cartoonist and illustrator. Context of the work FUGITIVE FROM FEAR These works do not exist in reality, were performed in a computer program. For this reason no physical media, web and leos together with the smell of turpentine insistently announces the emergence of a work and shows us the certainty of reality, were absent in the creation of each of these paintings and it is like trying to express the reasons. Violence in Colombia. This violence, this internal conflict, this war seems to exist. The pain of the victims were displaced by the Colombian geography without being able to touch anyone, he moved to the edges of cities. The reality ficciny merge and it arises from the distant fantasy, which has the power to desensitize the great majority, the pain of these fugitives from fear is quiet, no one has prepared to water the b Balm of peace and no one can blame because this appears to be horror at the frontiers of silence, the pain of another is not my pain, because I have not experienced the reality of death. The distance between reality and fiction merge into oblivion. Therefore, these works do not exist, no traces physics of these paintings, try to express the pain of the victims of violence, but their images seem primitive scribbles, abstract, not readable, neither clear nor precise , also suggests that we only speak of an atmosphere of pain and death, a ghostly violence sucedipero possibly maybe not. It seems to initiate the road of neglect and indifference. But an virtual, apparently has some real existent. If you captured in these images a blade that moves, he seems to know an atmosphere, a feeling of solidarity, a spark of hope, you serel author of a work of art, you are the artist, operator. Print these works, do so real, they are yours. The distribute, give away, sign them as if you had made them, talk of how much it hurts the pain of others, afraid not experienced it, ass to understand the violence of this PASY believes he touched or created that is remote. Spoken out loud as it hurts the people in situation of displacement, the hostages and the anguish of their families, not out of his memory missing because it is the only way in which they appear, do not forget the dead v victims from violence, women raped and tortured by dementia, Hyale hatred but remember, do not keep to himself and silently his good feelings, values, ideals of peace. Exprselos! talk with strangers and acquaintances about themselves and their intimate desires of solidarity, meaning that est, to build a better world for everyone, conjure fear and indifference, accepting the pain of others, of which do not know, maybe as the aduee not forgotten our existence, convirtindonos in shades of fiction. Doming. NOTE: The titles of the works correspond to stories told by the victims of violence in Colombia. The artist offers folders, each with 20 printed works and original signatures, for people who wish to contact the artist.

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